Summer Solstice + Litha


The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year. This time is also known as Litha, or midsummer, representing the beginning of summer. The day where the sun is at the peak of its cycle. Allow yourself to soak up the positivity from the Sun God, Ra. Allow the light to transmute that which was. The old served us well and it’s time to move forward in a new cycle with the sun. 

The light we feel, the light we see, soak it in and allow it to help release that which is ready to go. Allow the sun to fill in the voids of where you’ve released with positivity + divine love. Close your eyes + breathe. Give thanks as you ask for that release.

Set some intentions today. What do you want to bring in over the next year? Write these intentions down and place them under a white candle on your altar. On the next Full Moon, burn your intention paper and let the universe work its magick. 

Celebrate the Summer Solstice + Litha in any way that brings you joy. Here a few suggestions… 

🌿Get out in the sun + nature

🌿Go with the flow, laugh, have fun

🌿Reset your altar

🌿Bring in the color yellow today in your clothing, flowers, + altar

🌿Meditate, journal, pull a tarot card

🌿Charge your crystals

🌿Set an offering on your altar for your ancestors 

🌿Enjoy sitting by a fire

Much Love + Positive Vibes.

xx, Jessica


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