Autumn Equinox/Mabon


The Autumn equinox is upon us, also called Mabon in Pagan tradition after the son of the Earth Goddess. This is a day that represents the equilibrium of day + night. This is a significant time of the year as we transition our lives along with the seasons of the earth. The Autumn Equinox is calling for us to bring balance back into our lives as the balance of light + dark comes back to the earth.

On the equinox, we honor the balance of light and the dark, the masculine + feminine, the inner + the outer selves. The Autumn Equinox allows us to honor the harvest of our lives from this harvest season.

What was your harvest this year? What did you accomplish? What were some of the highlights of this past season?

It’s also a great time to clear space for our next harvest. This is a great time to go within. Go within and reflect with gratitude as you release old ideas, old patterns, old beliefs, and even old desires. Make room for the next harvest, the next goals, the next adventure.

Here are a few things you can do to celebrate the Autumn Equinox.

*Reset your altar. Clean it, clear it, and place items that represent the fall energy. Leaves, apples, pears, rosehips, elderberries, blackberries, and hawthorn berries would be great additions to your altar to honor this time of year. Great colors to add are green, red, orange, yellow, brown, + gold.

*Leave an offering for nature spirits outdoors. Leave a fruit, flower, + vegetable in gratitude for their wisdom + magick.

*Spend time on a nature walk

*Express gratitude. Write out your gratitudes for what this past year brought

*Declutter + clear out your home and other spaces

*Meditate. In your meditation, focus on gratitude for all that has come and clear space for your future harvest. Find my grounding meditation HERE.

*Relax + enjoy the day just BEing.

Happy Autumn Equinox to you!

Much Love + Positive Vibes.

xx, Jessica


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