Samhain, The Witches New Year


Samhain (SAH-win) is considered the Witches New Year. It is the time of year that marks the end of harvest and the beginning of the darker half of the year. It begins at sunset on Oct 31 and ends at sunset on Nov 1. This takes place directly between the fall equinox and winter solstice. This is the time of great power as we are in the world of light and the world of darkness transitioning into another cycle of the earth and for ourselves. 

Samhain is a time when there is a thinning of the veil, meaning that the energy between the physical and spiritual planes are open. This is a time that our loved ones can easily cross over and visit us. As a Medium, I’ll remind you that you may not physically see them, but you may sense them in a new way. The veil is thin for our guides, deities, and mystical creatures also.

To honor your loved ones, guides, deities, and mystical beings, place items on your altar that they would like. You are honoring them by placing things on your altar that they like to eat, drink, and enjoy. To honor my loved ones in spirit, my parents, I will put an open beer on the altar! I’m not kidding, they love beer. Faeries love trinkets and you may know items that represent your guides or deities. They will appreciate any item you place out for them.

Sunset + Sunrise are great times to focus your energy towards those in spirit and utilizing the Samhain energy. These times are when the light and dark come together and the energy is high. You may choose to do a meditation at sunset or sunrise to call in your loved ones, guides, or a diety. Notice what you feel, see, and hear around you. Tune in at a cemetery, around a fire, on a walk, talk to animals, plants, + trees. When you are just falling asleep and as you are waking, you are in a slight dream state, notice who or what comes to you at that time. You may even set an intention for this and ask to remember. Crystals to help support your connection during the thinning of the veil are opal, black tourmaline, labradorite, and moonstone.

Happy New Year, Witches!

Much Love + Positive Vibes.

xx, Jessica


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