After Hours Witchy Shit


It got real witchy after this month’s Cacao Ceremony.

We finished up the evening chatting about the information a guest had received. He saw an entity lift out of his body. I listened and as I listened, I saw it.

The entity reminded me of Barty Crouch from Harry Potter creeping around with his lizard-like tongue.

Before I knew it, my intuition was guiding me to banish this spirit. Our host sat as we surrounded him in a circle of salt being sure to go in the counterclockwise direction to banish this unwelcome guest.

I was guided to place a chair in the room for the spirit to be transported to. The pendulum in the chair was facing east as we started.

Our host was surrounded by 11 white candles. Three of us women surrounded our host with our energy and forced the entity into the chair. I knew we had moved the spirit because the pendulum was facing north when we were complete. This was some real “Charmed” shit!

I had a little work to do from there. The entity was playful. I heard his breath. I heard him move around me. I felt him bounce to the tip of the house.

As we contained the spirit, I opened a portal of white light and called in an angel to help me with this spirit. He did not want to go.

As we finished, our host was shivering. He was exhausted. He was a completely different person than he was when we walked in that door.

When I came to check my office the next day, I noticed my sage bundle had continued to burn. It was half gone and there were ashes near the fireplace. I swept them up and poured them into the rose bush out front. As I did, I was reminded of the rose bush in the movie Practical Magic.

I cleansed the space with intention and sage once again as I had done once we completed our banishing spell the night before. This time the sage would not go out. The entire sage bundle burned. I came back hours later and it was still burning in the cauldron on the porch. The sage must have needed to completely burn out to complete the banishing spell.

I had no idea that I would be guided by spirit to do a banishing spell on the spot. Intuitive Witches, be ready to let spirit guide you. Your intuition is a powerful guide.

Much Love + Positive Vibes.

xx, Jessica


The Journey to Africa


Samhain, The Witches New Year