Cacao Ceremony


Cacao is an ancient plant that has healing properties for the body + soul. In a cacao ceremony, you will drink ceremonial cacao. Ceremonial cacao is chocolate made from the cacao plant. The cacao powder is mixed with the cacao butter with intention for ceremony + healing. 

When I mix the cacao for ceremony, I place spirit guided intentions into the cacao blend. As we sit in circle, I start our ceremony by asking that everyone put their own intentions into the cacao serving they are holding. This moment is also a time to feel the vibration of the plant in your system. You do not have to ingest the cacao to receive the healing from the plant. The vibration + intention are working with the plant already near you.

In our ceremony, you will have time to set your intention + share with the group if you choose. I love the community that we build together. These circles are a great space for everyone to share a piece of their magick.

In the meditation, I will provide sound healing + energy healing throughout. The sound healing will help to activate the cacao in your system so that you can lift easily into a deep meditative state. In this state, you may find that you are releasing the old + also making room for what you are manifesting in your life. 

As we finish our meditation, you will have an opportunity to share about your experience + connect with others more as we also get grounded. Following a cacao ceremony, some feel like they are in a slight daze when we finish. We will get your feet on the ground and talk as we come back to our bodies before you leave.

Cacao has so much ancient knowledge. Some information may come in during your ceremony. You also may get deeper information or memories that drop in a couple of days after a ceremony. 

Cacao is a heart opener. A heart opening plant medicine helps us to clear room in our heart center by healing trauma and grief. It helps us to have a comfy home to come back to when things do get difficult or emotional. Cacao helps us to feel grounded + steady through life ups + downs.

Cacao provides nutrients for the body, it thins the blood, it helps bring clarity in the mind, + it gives you energy. There is caffeine in most ceremonial cacao. The amount of caffeine can vary.

If you are taking medications, some medications mixed with cacao can cause an upset stomach. You may want to sip a small amount of the cacao or just hold the cacao to your heart until you get comfortable with how your body works with cacao + how your medicines blend with the plant. 

Cacao can be used in a daily ritual. I love doing daily rituals. However, I found that a weekly or monthly ritual was a better fit in my plant medicine journey. I use many plant medicines in my healing + in my healing work with others. Cacao is one of those and I value how it shows us what we need to heal in a powerful, gentle way. 

To join the next Cacao Ceremony, Click HERE.

To purchase your own Cacao for your own ritual, click HERE and use the code JESSICAT10.

Listen to Jessica talk about Cacao in Ceremony on Variety Show for the Soul HERE.

Much Love + Positive Vibes.

xx, Jessica


Autumn Equinox/Mabon


Summer Solstice + Litha