Goddess of Ceremony


As I sat in Meditation, I started my usual Reiki opening to start my healing and clear my energy. A lady stopped me in my meditation. She stopped me and I was so focused on getting her name that I couldn’t hear it.  

She asked me to follow her. So I followed her through some trees to a clearing where there were women in a circle for a ceremony. These women all had fire in front of them and a large fire in the center of them. They each had a cup for water and a blanket they were sitting on. They were sitting in reverse calling in both divine feminine and divine masculine. They were sitting releasing the weight of the world and honoring the ancestors there to assist in raising the vibration of the time. 

As I lost focus in my meditation, I heard, “Follow Lakshmi.” That’s when I finally figured out who this woman was that was guiding me in ceremony and preparing me for the Full Moon Ceremony that took place this past weekend. Lakshmi, the Hindu Goddess, is asking that we be truly intentional in our ceremony work.

Ceremony work is sacred and intentional. We are all called to raise the vibration of our world. We are called to gather to support our own personal work and also that of our collective.

Whether you do so on your own or in a group, I recommend you surround yourself in sacred space to raise your vibration + and by doing so, you will help raise the vibration of our collective. 

Sending positive vibes your way.

xx, Jessica


The Heart Heals


How I Knew I Was A Medium.