Kelly Banaski
“To me Jessica comes from a place of pure unconditional love. She is hard working and very passionate about her gifts and her work. She is a healer, psychic/medium, a spiritual teacher, intuitive witch and so much more. She goes above and beyond and meets you at your worst and will help guide you to be your best, with love and grace. Through this process she is also helping me align with my higher self, trusting my intuition more and giving me more self-confidence than I have ever had! I am currently taking her Mediumship for the Intuitive course, as well as her Reiki certification class. Who would have thought 6 months ago this is where I would be today? My whole life has changed. I am not even close to the person I was before I started working with Jessica. I will be forever grateful to her and all that she has done for me, not only for myself but the positive affects it has made for my whole family. We are stronger, happier and closer than we ever have been! I will be forever grateful!” -Kelly B.