My Bed was Shaking…


You know Whoopi Goldberg’s character in the movie, Ghost. Remember how she shakes when a spirit enters her body? It was like that for me. I woke up thinking of that scene as my bed was shaking. I was worried no one was going to know that a spirit had taken over my body. 

That thought continued as my breath was automatically inhaling and feeling as if a spirit had reached its hand in my chest. 

I remember thinking over and over. Please stop. Please stop. Please stop. 

I didn’t know what was happening. it did stop. I remember opening my eyes and seeing a brightly lit room and I felt normal. I was fine but what the hell just happened?

I searched for answers. I talked to my cousin, Shannon, who had experienced many psychic phenomena. She seemed to think I had astral traveled and came back into my body too hard. I also talked to Marilyn Gaddie about what had happened. Neither of them seemed to be alarmed by what I was experiencing. However, it was super scary for me and when I talked about it, people looked at me crazy. 

I was scared to be alone in my house, especially my room, after that. My boyfriend didn’t give a fuck and told me I was basically stupid for thinking something was going to get me. 

Well, that part was true. Nothing was going to get me but now I could feel spirit. I didn’t know what I was feeling then but now I know. It felt like someone was watching me. That’s what it feels like to me when I sense spirit. That and a racing heart. At least in the beginning.

I remember knowing that my ex-fiancé Vinnie was standing in the corner of my bedroom one night. I remember waking up to my grandfather standing next to my bed yet I’d never met him in my life. 

I was seeing this all in my mind’s eye and I just knew things. 

It was several years later that Spirit put a teacher in front of me. Actually, many teachers. One of those was Lynn Cottrell, a Medium and Spirit Artist I studied with at Arthur Findlay College in England. 

I sat with Lynn for a reading while I was learning from her many years after that first awakening. She let me know that Spirit was trying to wake me up, not scare me. I didn’t know what she was talking about at first and then I realized they were talking about my Whoopi Goldberg moment! They apologized for scaring me resulting in putting my awakening on hold. Turns out, that astral travel thing was quite true. I kinda got slammed back into my body and spirit freaked me the fuck out. 

So I waited until the right time to open and understand my gifts. That doesn’t mean I wasn’t aware of them at times. Like the night I felt like my energy was off but I didn’t know why. I just knew that I seemed to be feeling weird while around a bunch of my favorite people were at my house for a party. I didn’t know what it meant, but I would soon find out that my spidey senses were going off about a tragedy that had already happened.

Much Love + Positive Vibes.

xx, Jessica




Where Does My Story Begin?